Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...



I narrowed the choices to this two configurations (doodles on the top left sketch). The one with vertical axis could've been pretty interesting, but wasn't friendly for filming, as this two croppings from the top-right visualisation would suggest. Also, I haven't designed the boxes with this orientation in mind, so they'd need additional designing. Moreover, the camera movements could prove more demanding, as well as masking the background, lighting, etc. But, the most difficult issue would be, by far, suspending them in the way they are presented here, with the task of applying details pushed next to impossible.

So we agreed upon this configuration above and below. The final model underwent some redesigning, but it came quite close.

The Assembly

Above left: "boxes" mock-ups; are they too big? How, if box mock-up must be extrapolated from existing parts (Above right)
I tried to avoid it, but eventually I had to create a crude 3D computer model, to fit all the elements and find out what's missing. It also helped to design and arrange LIGO-like struts
Above: first assembly left much to be desired - "boxes" were definitively too big, and there was shortage of uniform parts.
Above:The blueprint for aluminum parts; Right and below: aluminum parts ready for assembly

I've designed the aluminum elements with LIGO in mind; hence the array of holes on "support struts", and angular "supports"

Final boxes in assembly; a bit smaller than cardboard mock-ups
The tricky part was to disassemble the model for transport. Sadly, I managed to snap just one single photo in the process - photo above left: With top and bottom shelves removed, both of the vertical struts assemblies held together only by the two screws in the lower third. It was dangerously wobbly. It had to go through cramped studio, narrow passages and doors, and into my car. A transport van wouldn't help much as it had to be disassembled anyway. Finally, there was a narrow, low ceiling and turning stairway to the filming studio. So, with that obstacle successfully overcomed in the evening before the scheduled filming, putting the boxes in place and hanging the cylinder between the two seemed easy enough. That can't be difficult, right?
Well, wrong. Of course, because this things are never easy. One can always hope, but really? Tightening up everything, leveling it with fishing rod, adding all the details wasn't a small feat. Moreover, suspending the disk was tricky as hell. But then, with the lights on, it started to look as intended.









