Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...

> The Chimney <

This (real) chimney on the left image was given to me as a guide, or how approximately should the fake chimney texture look like, since the scene was about to be shot at that very roof. That is, if I recall the whole story correctly. I can't remember for which film it was, nor I've attended the shooting itself. I just did the job. The model had to be able to support two actors sitting on the top and climbing on it, so there was a hard step incorporated in the base.

Below: a concept sketch
To this day, I don't know if it blended well together, or not so much... I believe it was OK, since the scene was to take place at night.The tricky part was to match the colour from the photo. I've photoshopped a bit the image below, 'cause it looked quite pale when I took it outside from the workshop, to a milky daylight..
Above: colour change on the daylight - it is the same paint job on both images

Combined image above: paint job looked OK in the artificial light; However, to the naked eye, it looked quite as well in the outdoors. The discrepancy became visible to me only by comparing all these photos.

The photo-split above: the model turned out a bit pale (left);

It should've rather resemble the photoshopped (right) side of the image

> The Chimney <







