Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...


Puppets, from sketches to animation

Puppets, from sketches to animation: Courtroom 1 - the Law
There really hasn't been any surprises with this guy: he remained virtually unchanged from the storyboard (this model above dating from that time), to the end. Kristijan gave him in animatic different approaches - one bulldog-like temper, and alternatelly, another one more gay-like. Some of it got through, but I think I got him as I wanted him - to be an arrogant brittish prosecutor...
I made the Prosecutor's head and some other heads just as mock-ups, in soft plasticine. I was pleased with the result, so in order to make exact replicas, I made rubber and plaster composite moulds. They can cast various hardening materials, but I've needed Fimo/Sculpy cast for the prosecutor's head, with all the armature's and magnet hidden inside.
One thing, though, gave me a headache: the latex body was too big for the already pretty big head. Making the bigger head was out of the question (it's not like I could 3-D print it!), but creating new latex suit would be an impossible feat (if nothing else, it'd take too much time, weeks maybe). I had to decide spot-on, so I did what's hard - I've cut the latex robe in pieces and put them together in narrower form, with an add-on from another latex suit - the collar with a tie cut out.
The JUDGE, unlike the Prosecutor, underwent some, yet minor changes - he got to end up somewhat more angular than in the begginings, but I got him just as I wanted him, from this drawing on the right, onwards.

And some more Officers of the Law

It seemed neccessary to make new heads; for I allready used all I had, recycling the same bunch in every direction of the courtrom. Moreover, it's sort of a wide shot, with most of the audience in the background, so I thought I had no spare heads. It turned out I was wrong: when I composed the shot eventually, the camera was pointing low - too low for heads of the audience. Nevertheless, I didn't have any decent guard-like caps, leftovers from "Soldat", so it was faster to produce new heads with caps attached. Also, doing so gave me a chance to at least blend in uniforms made from Soldat's characters moulds with that new angular design, so one of the guards is distinctively squared.

I made these heads without even attempting sketching them; I just made two different heads in the right scale. They're quite unballanced in style, but I guess it won't be that noticeable in the short time they appear on screen.
_1 The ARCTIC PIRATE index
_2 Color chart development, coloring and light tests
_3 Storyboards, shooting plans, concept arts, sketches
_4 Puppets, from sketches to animation: 4-J - Courtroom 1- the Law
_5 Vehicles of all sorts
_6 Houses and exteriors, from sketches to final sets
_7 Interiors
_8 Small props
_9 Graphics and maps for posters, banners, press, signs etc.
10 Shots against all odds
11 Simple shots, confined spaces
12 Basics: workbenches, tools, logistics, etc.
13 Miscellaneous











