Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...

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Small Cars (4) Trucks


Most of these designs below are left "half-cooked". I managed to finish few of them, but even those simply didn't get in any of the shots.

Still, there's quite a number of finished small vehicles, and most of them played their role in some shot.
Below: this two trucks from "Soldat" also found their place in "The Arctic Pirate"
I used this small truck as a blueprint for one of the big trucks.
_1 The ARCTIC PIRATE index
_2 Color chart development, coloring and light tests
_3 Storyboards, shooting plans, concept arts, sketches
_4 Puppets, from sketches to animation
_5 Vehicles of all sorts: 5-O - Small Cars (4) Trucks
_6 Houses and exteriors, from sketches to final sets
_7 Interiors
_8 Small props
_9 Graphics and maps for posters, banners, press, signs etc.
10 Shots against all odds
11 Simple shots, confined spaces
12 Basics: workbenches, tools, logistics, etc.
13 Miscellaneous


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