Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...


Houses and exteriors: from sketches to final sets: the "Backstreet" set

I haven't been aware of that at the time, but this backstreet shot was only the second exterior set in the line that I did in this film. The shot wasn't planned at all, there are no sketches of any sort, not in storyboard, nor in animatic. But, as I started disassembling the Jailhouse factory set, it became painfully obvious to me that some details in this background could remain unnoticed. After all, there in the jail, it is just that - a background, so many of it's details and strucures are, and should be, overshadowed with every other element that competes for attention. I felt the urge to use this background wall, and in spite of time pressing, I've improvised small changes, decorated it and squeezed this shot into my shedule.
Above: The same background piece can be seen on this photos of the Jailhouse interior, but windows were partly covered in the final arangement. Moreover, that wall looked quite interesting from other angles, and that's exactly why I decided to use it.
All these street props were made for use in some other shots. Let me present them here and now, because it is in this set / shot, that some of them are the most obvious decoration, and some had their first appeareance. Some, like this stands above, or the hidrant on the right, were used before. Stands originate from Courtroom set , but in quite different role than here (and let's not forget that I've used columns from the Courtroom for this back wall). Hidrant, too, is an relic from "Soldat". It was too big for other street sets, but perfect as additional one on this one. Also, the piece of wall with skull and bones graffiti is another survivor from "Soldat", that shared the same set / shot with the hidrant.
_1 The ARCTIC PIRATE index
_2 Color chart development, coloring and light tests
_3 Storyboards, shooting plans, concept arts, sketches
_4 Puppets, from sketches to animation
_5 Vehicles of all sorts
_6 Houses and exteriors, from sketches to final sets: 6-D - The "Backstreet" set
_7 Interiors
_8 Small props
_9 Graphics and maps for posters, banners, press, signs etc.
10 Shots against all odds
11 Simple shots, confined spaces
12 Basics: workbenches, tools, logistics, etc.
13 Miscellaneous











