and exteriors: from sketches to final sets:
Other Street Sets (2)
Fence with Posters (1)
this shot I used forced perspective
- Big puppet in front of the street
fence with "Reward" posters.
I've worked-out the camera movement
way back while making the early animatic.
What's easy in 3D environment, could
be tricky in the real life. I've been
aware of that from the start, but
animatic concept was usable in this
case. I've translated the camera path
into the real world and it worked
just fine.
Final posterart as printed and used
on the set
Fence with Posters (2)
this shot I've worked things out in
the animatic, too. The only issue
was to fit the path of the camera
movement to the set in order to achieve
similar effect. I had to tilt the
set , because my "motion control"
device doesn't do steep ascents. Animating
the flying poster was pretty tricky
and I wasn't able to duplicate the
animatic precisely. I suppose it's
good enough. I made these "magazine
covers" for other purposes, but
I've found that the fence looks too
boring if covered only with the same
kind of "Reward" posters.
So I used some second-grade, print
leftovers to fullfill the fence with
"old" posters, in a way
that "Reward" ones would
look freshly applied, on top layer.
Farewell Street
constructed this set almost entirely
from buildings left from Soldat's
production, just as planned. The tricky
part was to accomodate the big Paddy
Wagon prop to traverse at least some
distance away from the camera before
it can be replaced with small version.
Changes in focus and depth of field
were unavoidable due to radical difference
in distance of two models from the
camera. Finally, I shot the small
model going away first, because it
was easier to cut-out the street,
than to build it. Even putting the
cut-out section back would distrupt
the whole set, enough to be noticeable
on screen.
did mock-up test years before actually
shoting it (above). When I finally
came to shoot this one, it was the
girl puppet that had to to be shot
first, than the small van, and only
after that I could cut the floor out
and put the big Paddy Wagon in place.
Color chart development, coloring and
light tests |
Storyboards, shooting plans, concept
arts, sketches |
Puppets, from sketches to animation |
Vehicles of all sorts |
Houses and exteriors, from sketches
to final sets:
6-H - Other Street Sets (2) |
Interiors |
Small props |
Graphics and maps for posters, banners,
press, signs etc. |
Shots against all odds |
Simple shots, confined spaces |
Basics: workbenches, tools, logistics,
etc. |
Miscellaneous |