Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...



Interiors: Offices

After the catastrophic ordeal with the Jailhose-slash-factory interior shots, and all the lost time, I had to wrap things up as quick as possible. In a process, many of the fine Kristijan's 3D-animatic templates had to be skipped. I've even went that far to change the concepts to some shots. As the first one, I've used the factory (or jailhouse, if you like)
backwall element, for it's window, to be exact. The shot Nr.101 prolonged the production for so long, that many of the upcoming shots came in question. So, I made up a completely new shot, a certin alternative to a whole group of shots, the main office scene. It was an utter improvisation, an outside shot on some headman's office. Strictly speaking, it's really an exterior shot, but it's the inside what counts: the "Animina" poster and shadow on a window's surface, from a headman inside. That shot have no place in the finalized film, but it came in handy at a certain point.
Next in line was another improvisation, and it was a direct spinoff from that first one with the shadow on the window. For it, I didn't even had any plan - not from storyboard, nor from the animatic, because I knew that what I originally had in the animatic wasn't the right thing. So, some sort of improvisation loomed ovehead all the time. And when the time to crack it finally came, I had no time to puzzle over it. But the shadow concept guided me further into the "film-noir" visuals: I've used the shadow and hand combination, and it worked well enough, although I messed up the animation of the shadow a bit, only because it was almost impossible to animate.
The third set is a bit confused one, also with shadow and hand combination, but in this one I managed to control the shadow a bit better.
_1 The ARCTIC PIRATE index
_2 Color chart development, coloring and light tests
_3 Storyboards, shooting plans, concept arts, sketches
_4 Puppets, from sketches to animation
_5 Vehicles of all sorts
_6 Houses and exteriors, from sketches to final sets
_7 Interiors: 7-G - Offices
_8 Small props
_9 Graphics and maps for posters, banners, press, signs etc.
10 Shots against all odds
11 Simple shots, confined spaces
12 Basics: workbenches, tools, logistics, etc.
13 Miscellaneous











