Stop-motion, stop-animation, classic special effects, puppets, masks, costumes, props, models, sets, matts, production illustrations, production design...



Interiors: The Conference Room

The Main office / Conference room
I've persisted to push this one, and I had to build it entirely from skratch. All I had to start with, were some prepainted surfaces, but other than that, I had nothing. However, I had precise blueprint, even the 3D model in all the details and measures, so it was only the matter of how fast can I copy that... The tricky part was the window - I've been limited with the materials to assemble it, but I've managed to pull it of, somehow. The letters were a bitch to make, however I needed them transparent and in Art Deco maneer, and to match exterior, at least to a point. Many elements of this set are scavanged out of leftovers from previous sets: the plants, tops of the vases, the drafting table and even some wall segments. That was the last interior to be built. After trashing it, I've improvised this surrounding to the building: (jailhouse ext.)
_1 The ARCTIC PIRATE index
_2 Color chart development, coloring and light tests
_3 Storyboards, shooting plans, concept arts, sketches
_4 Puppets, from sketches to animation
_5 Vehicles of all sorts
_6 Houses and exteriors, from sketches to final sets
_7 Interiors: 7-H - The Conference Room
_8 Small props
_9 Graphics and maps for posters, banners, press, signs etc.
10 Shots against all odds
11 Simple shots, confined spaces
12 Basics: workbenches, tools, logistics, etc.
13 Miscellaneous











